TechEnRiched 2025
Thursday June 12, 2025 10:30am - 11:15am EDT
This session will explore practical and engaging applications of Artificial Intelligence (AI) in K-12 classrooms across various subjects. Participants will discover how AI tools can personalize learning experiences, automate tedious tasks like grading and lesson planning, and foster deeper student engagement. We will showcase real-world examples of how teachers are using platforms like Gemini, Google Notebook LM, Magic School AI, and Canva for activities such as generating creative writing prompts, and providing personalized feedback on student work. Attendees will leave with concrete strategies and resources to integrate AI into their own classrooms, empowering them to leverage this technology to enhance teaching and learning and maximize their own effectiveness.
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Nick Noel

Training & Development Specialist, Carmel Clay Schools
17 years of elementary classroom teaching experience in grades 1st-4thIn Year 1 as a training & development specialist for Carmel Clay SchoolsTwo-time presenter at the HECC conference (2022 & 2024)Presenter at the ICE Conference (2024)
Thursday June 12, 2025 10:30am - 11:15am EDT

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